Alsuma's 1940 Census breakdown highlights what Jim Hardcastle reported; that the common denominator was not color but poverty. According to the 1940 Census, New Mexico, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Arizona had the lowest median homes. Oklahoma's median price of a home was $1293.00 in 1940 dollars. The average reported cost of a home in Alsuma in 1940 was $162.50 for Whites and $157.50 for Blacks. There were only 9 White renters and 9 Black renters who paid an average of $5 a month rent.
Thirty-six White families and eighteen Black families owned their homes. The Black families contained an average of two children more than the White families which make up for most of the difference in the percentage of home owners.
Alsuma's population contained one-hundred and seventy-three Whites and one-hundred and thirty-five Blacks. This equals a ratio of 56% Whites living there and 44% Blacks living there. There were only six Indigenous Americans (Indians) listed as living there and this is represents 0.019% of Alsuma's population. Even the young preschool age children are broken down into 33 White children and 26 Black children.
There were two white males and two white females who attended their senior year of high school;
One Black male and three Black females attended their senior year of high school.
The rest of the classifications by school year break down percentage wise into about the same ratios of attendance as the population percentages.
The Native Americans by percentage were the best educated with two attaining some high school, two middle school, one third grade and one without any formal education.
These numbers are not broken down by age which shows greater educational attainment in those of both Blacks and Whites among the youth.
Employment-wise the Whites did earn slightly more than the Blacks, this a reflection of racism predominate throughout the United States and not indicative necessarily of Alsuma.
Note that unlike the 1930 census records, the 1940 census records only list the town's name as Alsuma.
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
Photo Copyright Reserved by Hans A. Pasco
All material, photos, articles, and any and all other
materials contained within And Pertaining To The Blog
"Alsuma, Creek Nation, Indian Territory A Town Unified By Poverty"
Is The Property Of And Copyrighted By Hans A. Pasco
All material, photos, articles, and any and all other
materials contained within And Pertaining To The Blog
"Alsuma, Creek Nation, Indian Territory A Town Unified By Poverty"
Is The Property Of And Copyrighted By Hans A. Pasco
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